MissinCat bedankt sich bei allen, die sich bislang bei Ihrer pledgemusic.com Aktion beteiligt haben mit einer besonderen persönlichen Einladung:
„Hi everyone!! HURRA!!! The Album is finished!!! Recording was the biggest fun ever and I can´t wait for you to hear my record… The release will be in April 2014, because the promo, press, radio guys need some time to promote it properly. So the only chance for you to hear before then is to come over on the 7. of December. In Berlin, in a private location, where will take place a very special event. I´ll show you plenty of photos of the recordings and we´ll listen to the album together, I´ll play songs live and we´ll have the chance to hang out with a glass of wine…. You can buy the tickets only on my pledge-music page! By doing this you will help me paying the BIG bills for the recordings… Don´t forget to tell your friends! One more thing : The Campaign runs officially until the 31st of December. Until then you can still Pledge! Have a lovely evening Cat